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Dame Stephanie Shirley, known as Steve Shirley, is a remarkable figure in tech history. Born a refugee in Germany, she arrived in Britain on a Kindertransport train at just five years old. Despite this challenging start, Shirley became a pioneer in IT. Frustrated by sexism in the workplace, she founded Freelance Programmers in 1962. This innovative company, staffed primarily by women working from home, offered flexible work arrangements long before they were commonplace. Nicknamed “Steve” by her husband, the name stuck and became her public persona. Shirley’s company thrived, employing over 8,500 people at its peak. A dedicated philanthropist, she has since given away most of her wealth to causes she believes in, particularly autism research.

Here’s a quick summary of her achievements:

  • IT industry pioneer and businesswoman
  • Championed flexible work for women
  • Donated most of her wealth to charity

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