The movie Sixty Minutes (2024) is categorized as an action, adventure, and drama film.
Sixty Minutes (2024) has a duration of 1 hour and 28 minutes and is rated TV-MA.
In Sixty Minutes (2024), Octavio, a mixed martial arts fighter, has only 60 minutes to make it to his daughter’s birthday party. If he fails, he risks losing custody forever. However, when he decides to skip a fight to attend the party, he finds himself on the run from dangerous criminals, leading to a race against time across the city
The director of Sixty Minutes (2024) is Oliver Kienle.
The movie Sixty Minutes (2024) is co-written by Oliver Kienle and Philip Koch
Yes, Sixty Minutes (2024) is available on Netflix.
Sixty Minutes (2024) was released in theaters on January 18, 2024.
Yes, Sixty Minutes (2024) is a German-language film.
The search results mention that Sixty Minutes (2024) is set to be released on Netflix in January 2024 3
Yes, Sixty Minutes (2024) is set in Berlin, as the main character races across the city to attend his daughter’s birthday party.
Yes, Sixty Minutes (2024) revolves around the story of a mixed martial arts fighter named Octavio and his race against time to attend his daughter’s birthday party